Amazing Race: Sleeping Party Cave
Amazing Race: Season 28 Episode 04 Get It Trending Amy hates when teams flirt with each other on The Amazing Race. She wants people to concentrate on racing. Sometimes I find it amusing, but most of the time I agree with her. Brodie had a crush on Blair and everyone...
Amazing Race: No Sense of Urgency
Amazing Race: Season 28 Episode 03 Bros Being Jocks In the prior episode, the brothers slowly wandered around the airport which led to them getting on the latest possible flight to the destination, had a hard time finding the detour clue, and only avoided elimination because of the mistake of...
Amazing Race: Mugging for the Camera
Amazing Race: Season 28 Episode 02 You Look Like Gollum Let’s talk about the older dad/daughter team. The episode started with a very weird conversation where Phil was telling them that they weren’t eliminated from the race. He asked them what they planned to do to catch up and the daughter...
Amazing Race: Annoying Start
Amazing Race: Season 28 Episode 01 I Should’ve Been a Boy Scout This season of The Amazing Race is probably not going to go well. Phil called it a special season and I said it was a Special Stupid Season since every contestant has people that are popular on...
Texas Team’s Flawless Plan
The Texas team became so blinded in their hatred for Justin this leg that they made an overly complicated plan to sabotage the Green Team and ended up wasting the one advantage they had going into the leg. Hilarious!...
So Many Helper Dogs
Argentina seems filled with stray dogs everywhere. They ran next to the teams while they were doing a variety of tasks. This one dog was limping himself and came up to limp in front of the Texas guy that had hurt his hamstring. I said the dog identified with...
Crying Already?
This guy loves Amazing Race so much that he was always crying about it. He was on the verge of tears when he was talking about being cast in this season of the show. Then when he thought they were in last place, he cried some more. When they...