Tag: Karin Slaughter


The fifth book in the Grant County series was a solid story, but it wasn’t my favorite. That isn’t to say that there is anything wrong with it, but I didn’t find it as compelling as the previous three that I have read in the series. It was along...

Kisscut (Grant County #2)

I found the first Grant County book (Karin Slaughter’s debut, Blindsighted) decent, but I could tell that her storytelling improved by already reading some of her later works. It felt like a good first novel and wondered how long until her writing was where I had seen it later...

A Faint Cold Fear (Grant County #3)

In the previous two books in this series, there was a good balance between the cases and the relationships of the main characters in Grant County — Dr. Sara Linton, Chief Jeffrey Tolliver, and Lena Adams. In A Faint Cold Fear, the cases almost seem secondary to the character study...

Blindsighted (Grant County #1)

  It was interesting to go back and read Karin Slaughter’s debut novel after reading a few other more recent books by her. I could tell this was a first novel since the plot twists were a little more obvious than I have read in her other books, but...

Undone (Will Trent #3)

Undone by Karin Slaughter Pages: 544 Genre: Mystery Published: January 1, 2009 Purchase: Amazon | Powell’s Will hated those cops, had worked more than a few cases where he’d gotten them kicked off the force. You couldn’t say you were one of the good guys if you did the same thing the...

Fractured (Will Trent #2)

Fractured by Karin Slaughter Pages: 464 Genre: Murder Mystery Published: July 29, 2008 Purchase: Amazon | Powell’s Everyone had a reason for everything they did, even if that reason was sometimes stupidity.   4/5 stars Fractured is the second book in the Will Trent series. I had read the first book, Triptych,...

Pretty Girls

Pretty Girls by Karin Slaughter Pages: 396 Genre: Thriller Published: September 29, 2015 Purchase: Amazon | Powell’s Your mother and I had always been secretly pleased that  you were so headstrong and passionate about your causes. Once you were gone, we understood that these were qualities that painted young men as smart and...