Grill Point
Posted On February 23, 2003
Grill Point
Starring: Steffi Kuhnert, Gabriela Maria Schmeide, Thorsten Merten, Axel Prahl, Julia Ziesche
Directed by: Andreas Dresen
Written by: Andreas Dresen, Cooky Ziesche
Rating: Unrated
Length: 1 hour 46 minutes
Genre: Drama
Release Date: 2002
Should I even review this movie? I walked out about 3/4 of the way through it. It wasn’t awful, but it wasn’t exciting enough to keep me awake. I slept through most of the movie. The thing is that I could follow what was happening even when I was sleeping 5 out of every 15 min. of the movie.
It’s a German film about two couples in their thirties. One has kids and one doesn’t because they are recently married. They are all bored with one another. The husband starts having an affair with the wife of the other couple and then they all find out about it. It’s not very exciting. It’s kinda amusing, but not laugh out loud funny.
Grade: C-