The Walking Dead, Vol 20: All Out War Part 2
Posted On September 15, 2017
The Walking Dead, Vol 21: All Out War Part 2
by Robert Kirkman
Pages: 136
Genre: Graphic Novel, Horror
Published: July 29, 2014
Purchase: Amazon | Powell’s
3/5 stars
I liked most of how this war played out until the end. I didn’t buy the ending of this arc. Rick gives another long speech and then Negan actually seems to be buying it? Does he? I’m not completely sure. Then there is some table turning and people don’t agree with Rick’s decision but since he’s the almighty here, they just go along with what he says.
I like when characters on the televsion show argue with him more and force some critical thinking to happen. I think that needs to happen in the comics. I’m still curious where this leaves the characters for the story going forward so I’ll continue reading.