The Walking Dead Vol. 22: A New Beginning
Posted On September 14, 2017
The Walking Dead Vol. 22: A New Beginning
by Robert Kirkman
Pages: 136
Genre: Graphic Novel, Horror
Published: November 11, 2014
4/5 stars
Even though parts of this volume drove me crazy because Robert Kirkman keeps turning Rick into a celebrity that everyone fawns over, I was still interested in what was coming next. I really want to like Rick, but he drives me insane most of the time.
I do really like the developments with Carl, Maggie, and Sophia so I want to see where those storylines go. Every thing looks like it is going great and peaceful, but there are hints of conflict with the new people that joined Alexandria.
Then, there are the new group of zombie people that are super creepy. I need to know more about them.