Amazing Race: Scaredy Cat
Teams traveled to Thailand where they ate old eggs and got to play in a cat cafe. What mostly happened though was Blair & Hayley and the lawyers fighting and fighting and fighting with each other. Come read what Amy, Steve and I had to say about these annoying teams on the fourth episode of the Amazing Race.
As the race began, I asked Amy if she was still picking Hayley to go home this leg. She said, “Yes, I feel like I need to make a moral stand.” Steve was going with the New Kids. I was picking the gay blondes.
Teams were flying to Bangkok and finding a Buddhist temple. As the truck stop team took off in first place, Rochelle said that she believes the blind date teams were not dealing with the stress as well as they have been. I disagreed by saying, “Dealing with the stress? She has cried every leg!” Then, there was darling Hayley who says good morning by complaining about shit that happened the day before. Blair told the camera separately that was tired to being blamed for everything so he decided that he was going to agree with everything she said that day and follow her choices to make her accountable for everything, whether they win or lose. She has broken his spirit that he doesn’t even want to win anymore!
All the teams with the exception of New Kids left the pit stop right around 4am and all ended up on a 6am flight to Bangkok. The New Kids didn’t leave the pit stop until 7am. So far behind! They also had a Speed Bump. They are doomed. While they were getting a flight, the lawyers were snipping at each other about stupid stuff like going for a taxi the same time as another team and having to get another one.
While teams were stuck in super busy traffic everywhere in Bangkok, Laura & Tyler got to the temple first. Tyler felt that the clue box would be up some stairs and found the next clue, which was a detour. Teams had to choose to take a tuk tuk or a water taxi to get to their next destination that also included two stops on the way. It wasn’t really a detour task like the race had ever done before. It left almost everything in the hands of the transportation over the actual racers except for what happened at the two stops. It was odd.
Blair & Hayley were the second team to arrive to the temple. As soon as they got out of the taxi, Blair said to Hayley, “Do you want to lead?” She said yes. He said, “Okay, it is all you.” She responded, “Okay, what do you want to do?” Yeah, she doesn’t want to make a decision. She just wants to complain when it goes wrong! When he wanted her to make a decision she said she felt like he wasn’t going to listen so she was just going to follow him. He confirmed she wanted him to lead. She said yes, so as soon as he started walking in a direction, she said, “I think we should go this way.” What is wrong with her?
While they were wandering around the temple not finding the clue box, the hair stylists and Olympians arrived and found the clue box. Other teams were arriving and noticing people going up and down the stairs so JJ team, truck stop team and gay blondes all had the clue. They were all picking the water taxi. They had all left when Blair & Hayley came out of some other area of the temple into the courtyard and probably just missed all the other teams. They did finally find it and also picked the water taxis.
By the time the teams were all at the water taxi place, they read in the clue that there was only five taxis. That meant that Laura & Tyler, hair stylists, gay blondes, truck stop and Olympians were able to get on the taxis. Blair & Hayley had to go find a tuk tuk to ride. They came across the JJ team and the lawyers while they went to find a tuk tuk. The lawyers hadn’t been to the temple yet so they ran to go get their clue and were very annoyed by how behind they were. Don’t forget the New Kids! The teams might not realize they are still in the race. While Blair was trying to run and look for the tuk tuk, Hayley was refusing to run at all and just bitching about him possibly running past something. Amy said, “I think she is trying to be the most hated woman in America.” Steve said what she really wants is someone to say, “Stop. Shut up. You need to do this. Shut up!”
The teams that took the water taxi had to stop at a huge market and eat a 100-year old egg. The teams that took the tuk tuk had to stop at a snooker club and hit one red ball into a pocket. Even though the show kept alternating back and forth between the teams in the tuk tuks being stuck in traffic and the teams in the boats flying through the water, the first teams that ended up in the tuk tuks (Blair/Hayley and JJ team) after all the water taxis were taken, ended up at the snooker club at the same time as the first team in the water taxi (Laura/Tyler). Was the first stop in the tuk tuk closer than the first stop in the water taxi or were teams really not stuck in traffic all that long?
Even though there were nine red balls on the pool table out of about 15 balls, teams were not good at making one red ball in the pocket. Eating the egg seemed to go faster for the other teams even though they did struggle with it. It seemed to have a taste that made the teams gag when they ate it. The hair stylists made the mistake of finding a cart as soon as they got off the water taxi and bought an egg there before they realized the cart had no clue for them. They had eaten a gross egg for nothing and had to eat another one! It seemed like all the water taxi teams got to the market and ate the egg before the tuk tuk teams finally hit the red ball in the pocket. Well, all tuk tuk teams except the lawyers that were really far behind, but not as far behind as the New Kids team that finally landed and found their speed bump. They had to create an origami grasshopper out of leaves. It looked more difficult than other speed bumps we have seen in past seasons. It still isn’t as good as the ice cream.
The second stop consisted of water taxi teams visiting a Thai temple and participating in a Thai prayer. They also got a fortune before they left. The ones that we were shown were good luck for the future except the gay blondes both got fortunes about not getting a good match or mate at this time. Wah wah wah…..
Meanwhile, the lawyers were getting snippy with each other. Jenny was freaking out about being so far behind, but then yelled at Jelani when he was running from the tuk tuk to the snooker club saying they needed to conserve their energy. They just got out of a tuk tuk! He responded by running anyway and yelling at her to catch up. Then she yelled at him to listen to her. Everyone is getting along so well! At one point, Jelani said something could be a fatal flaw. Steve said, “SOMEONE COULD DIE!”
While the Thai tempe was a pretty cool second stop for the water taxi teams, the tuk tuk teams got to go to a cat cafe and feed the kitties the milk they were handed at the snooker place. It was super cute. Everyone seemed to like it except for Jenny of the lawyers. She is scared of cats. WAT! Amy and I decided we didn’t like her anymore. Steve said, “How can you be scared? Look at that cat. He’s a big flufferton!”
As all the teams were finishing up the detour, the New Kids were finishing up their speed bump. We were hoping it didn’t take as long as it seemed, but they were so far behind the other teams at this point.
All the other teams were running into a road block. It was at some kind of mechanic shop and asked “Who is feeling clutch?” As soon as I heard that, I said Steve would have to do this road block if we were on the race. Teams had to take out a transmission out of an engine block and find a random screwdriver left in the engine block. The next clue was in the handle of the screwdriver. Almost all the guys did the task. None of them had worked on engines before. A large amount of them came from families of mechanics though so that was amusing. It didn’t seem too tough. They just had to unscrew stuff until a screwdriver fell out. We also learned that Kurt’s type (which we know isn’t Bergen) is actually someone like Olympic guy. Kurt told Olympic woman that Olympic guy was a fine piece of ass.
The first group of teams came and left the road block pretty quickly. The New Kids were just finishing up playing pool when the next group of teams showed up at the road block. Rochelle was the only woman to do the road block and she tried to ask Jeff where the transmission was located. He had told the camera earlier that he knew what one looked like but he wasn’t helping her. He told her to just take it apart in an annoyed voice. Then he went over and started helping Jelani. While they were discussing what they were trying to take apart, Rochelle was actually taking it apart and finished the road block before both of them.
The hard part came after the road block with the clue that led teams to the pit stop. What was in the screwdriver handle said Metal Castle. Teams had to figure out that was a nickname for a particular Buddhist temple. Some teams had better luck finding that out or just finding the temple. Laura & Tyler left the road block first, but their taxi dropped them off at a metro station instead of the temple. Other teams were wandering around trying to find it on their own before finally asking locals what it was really called.
With all the craziness, the gay blondes were about the fourth team to leave the road block, but the first one to the pit stop. They were completely shocked and won a trip to Puerto Vallarta. Wonder how that is going to work since they don’t seem to like each other. I made a comment that whichever team I picked to be last will come in first place since I have done it two weeks in a row. Amy said I was good luck for the teams. Hayley and Blair came in second place so Amy was wrong too. Sadz. The Olympians came in third place.
Around this time New Kids were at the cat cafe and Amy was announcing she wanted to live there. They still had to get over to the road block, but the lawyers were still there around this time. Laura & Tyler finally checked into the pit stop in fourth place.
For some reason the hair stylists were still wandering around the road block area when the lawyers finally finished up. The JJ and truck stop teams were nearby and had figured out the clue by asking some locals. The hair stylists made a comment that they had been wandering around an hour and a half. WAT! They decided to group up with the lawyers since they needed their help. They said they had asked thousands of people already with no luck. Then it appeared that Jenny went and found the answer almost immediately.
The New Kids were shown getting to the road block, but were they really that close to the other teams? The hair stylists and lawyers were headed to where the temple was located, but Jenny was telling Jelani that she wanted to jump in a taxi the first chance they saw one. She didn’t want to tell the hair stylists that was her plan, but he mentioned it to them anyway. She whisper yelled at him and they got into a tuk tuk and took off. The hair stylists called Jenny a bitch and Jelani really didn’t like making enemies. There was more bickering between them all the way to the pit stop. They came in seventh place right behind JJ and truck stop teams. The show made it look like the hair stylists came in just before the New Kids, but the New Kids did come last and were eliminated. We did like them and I really wished the lawyers had come in last since they were annoying me by the end of the episode.