The Walking Dead, Vol 11: Fear the Hunters
Posted On January 31, 2017
The Walking Dead, Vol 11: Fear the Hunters
by Robert Kirkman
Pages: 136
Genre: Graphic Novel, Horror
Published: January 6, 2010
4/5 stars
At the beginning of this volume, there were some sudden deaths that were haunting and quite effective at making the reader feel uneasy. I enjoyed the first half of this volume more than the second half.
Rick’s group did run into a new group of people that thought they were scarier than anyone else really found them to be. I was waiting for Rick’s group to take control and run them over. I am wondering if they are starting to feel too cocky like they can take on any foe.
I guess I could be sad about Andrea and Dale, but I have been waiting for that relationship to be over so we can all move on. I didn’t ever buy it as a relationship.