TAR: Got Wood?
Amazing Race Your Target Is Your Partner’s Face I’m sad I haven’t come up with any good team names yet. I’m still trying to decide if there is a team I hate yet. I’m not a big fan of the flight attendants, but I think I like the rest...
TAR: Behold the Power of Cheese
Amazing Race Don’t Let a Cheese Hit Me The first leg of the race is always difficult because I like to give the teams nicknames and I don’t have any of them off the bat. They earn them by their actions so I’ll go with the ones the show...
Favorite 2008 TV
I planned on making a top 10 list, but I just can’t seem to pick just 10 shows. There were some shows that I have picked on my best of lists before that didn’t make it this time, including CSI and Scrubs. There were only a few Scrubs episodes...
TAR: City of Roses
Amazing Race You Look Like Peter Pan Going into this final leg, I have no idea how the frat boys made it this far. I’ve been upset at some of the teams that have won in the past, since I found them to be horrible people (Flo from season...
TAR: Voodoo Magic
Amazing Race You’re Gonna to Get Me Killed I am happy to say that Team S&M lived up to their name again in this episode. I don’t like it when they get along since then it makes their team name make no sense! They were back in fine form....
TAR: No Rhythm
Amazing Race That Is Studly Going into this leg, I am flabbergasted that Andrew and Dan are still in the race. They continuously make stupid mistakes and bicker, but manage to come in second to last place again and again. Then they lost their shoes in the last leg...
TAR: Mmm…Sheep Fat
Amazing Race I’m Like an Angry Cow This leg of the race had an eating challenge. If anyone had watched the show in previous seasons and seen what the eating challenges have consisted of, they are almost always a lot of meat. I can’t remember one that didn’t have...
TAR: Dye Time!
Amazing Race My Nose Is on Fire This leg of the race included a Speed Bump for Team S&M because they were last in a non-elimination leg. In the past, the game has had nothing happen to teams that came in last in a non-elimination leg. Then they lost...
TAR: Fire Head Lady
Amazing Race Please Hold Me While I Singe My Skull At this point, I have some definite favorite teams. I’m really rooting for Toni & Dallas to win. I actually like Nick & Starr, even though the divorced ladies can’t stand them. I find the divorced ladies pretty stuck...
TAR: Fishy Fish Fish
Amazing Race Do It Like a Madman Last week I wondered how the blondes got so far behind, which ultimately led to their elimination. I found some video footage that didn’t make the show of them being stuck at a gas station forever not able to get their automatic...