Category: 1980s Movie Reviews

MWG: Clash of the Titans (1981)

Since there is a remake of Clash of the Titans coming out, I felt the need to watch this cheesetastic version. My brother and I used to watch it all the time when we were little. It used to drive my mom crazy. I’m not sure if  it was the...

MWG: Beverly Hills Cop

My pick for October is Beverly Hills Cop. You might remember back when Eddie Murphy really was hilarious. You’ll have to concentrate very hard though because it’s been a while. Netflix synopsis: Tough-talking Detroit cop Axel Foley (Eddie Murphy) heads to the rarified world of Beverly Hills in his...

MWG: Back to the Future

Sharon had September’s pick for the Movie Watching Group (MWG), but was so super busy, it was hard to pin down a movie pick from her until this month. Then I forgot to make a post about it for a week. oops! Maybe we’ll do better if Jim will...

MWG: Conan the Barbarian

You know how Amy had us watch a classic movie last month? Well, Sharon is continuing on that trend with this Ah-nold classic. Conan the Barbarian Netflix synopsis: Catch Arnold before he became a politician! A pure swords-and-sorcery flick, Conan the Barbarian is one of the best and sparked...

MWG: Strange Brew

I’ve gone back and forth on what my next movie will be, but I will go with one of my all-time favorite movies. It has a dumb plot, but I found it hilarious when I first saw it in fourth grade. Every time my brother and I would go...

MWG: Heavy Metal

Marci has the July pick and she picked Heavy Metal. Heavy Metal Netflix synopsis: Based on the fantastical illustrated magazine Heavy Metal, producer Ivan Reitman creates an otherworldly tale of good vs. evil. Packed with special effects, Heavy Metal set the standard for alternative contemporary animation. Plus a pounding...

MWG: Heathers

Stacy has joined the Movie Watching Group so she picked the May movie. She was a big fan of Christian Slater in the ’80s. She was going to go with Gleaming the Cube, but that was not available to rent on DVD so she went with Heathers. I think...

MWG: The Outsiders (1983)

MWG: The Outsiders (1983) For this month Movie Watching – I have chosen the movie based on my favorite book when I was growing up. The Outsiders From Netflix: Francis Ford Coppola‘s drama about teen turmoil in rural Oklahoma features nearly every big name of 1980s cinema — including...

MWG: Always – Feb Movie

Hi Everyone! I am choosing the movie for February – sorry that I am late! The movie will be Always – directed by Steven Spielberg, staring Holly Hunter and Richard Dreyfus. Hope you enjoy! Netflix Synopsis: Director Steven Spielberg delivers an old-fashioned romantic adventure, as firefighting pilot Richard Dreyfuss...

MWG: Bladerunner

Jer is picking our January movie for the Movie Watching Group (MWG) as Bladerunner from 1982. He was trying to pick a movie to pay Marci back for Night of the Comet, but ended up picking this one since he really wanted to see it again. There are three...