Amazing Race: Shock Face Indeed
Finally! It’s the recap about the season finale from last season that had four teams competing to win a million dollars with one team being eliminated at an unknown random time during the leg. Continue on to read comments from Amy, Steve and I about teams getting lost in L.A., doing some derpy running and swimming, and not wearing very supportive gear for very bouncy breasts.
While the show tried to remind us of all the teams that were eliminated along the race, we all picked the surfers to win it all. The show did a brief recap of all the teams in the finals. When they reached the dentists, they showed Jim talking about winning five legs saying, “And then the thumb came out.” I asked, “Where was the thumb before?” When we saw the scientists, Amy commented on Maya being crazy. I said, “But she is not as derpy as Derp Derp.” Amy said if Maya had a partner like Maya, they would win. Steve had forgotten that Derp was almost dead in the last episode. He predicted one of the scientists would be dead by the first commercial. I said, “Maya will run circles around dead Derp.”
None of the teams at the airport were thrilled to see the scientists. The dentists tried to make the wrestlers feel better by saying the scientists were not serious competition. We agreed with that. Brooke did point out that if it was a smart challenge, the wrestlers could be eliminated. That is very accurate. Amy was distracted by what was going on with Robbie’s hair. I said he hadn’t put any product in it or he ran out. She was traumatized by seeing his real hair after all this time.
The teams learned that when they arrived at LAX, they had to get into their cars and use some Ford Sync technology to tell their car to give them the next clue. I shared a story about how I hate Ford Sync technology. I can break it and since it is basically a Windows operating system, it needs to be reset by pulling fuses. So stupid. All the teams had to press a button in the car and it read them a text message. Maya started flailing her arms around in excitement when it was read to her. Amy said, “Maya needs to calm down.”
The teams had to go to downtown city hall and give a film permit to someone there. The film permit is what was in the manila envelope that Phil gave them at the last pit stop. It seemed like the dentists actually knew where it was located. The scientists were going a different direction, but also seemed to know. The surfers noticed the wrestlers were following them, which they were, but the wrestlers were not in the same lane as the surfers so when the surfers went right onto a freeway onramp, the wrestlers lost them. I’m not sure how you follow someone by being in a different lane. Robbie, who was driving, asked what they should do. Brooke, who had no maps or anything to navigate with, threw up her hands and said she didn’t know.
Jim realized they were going the wrong way and had Misti turn around. Steve said, “Oh shit. Don’t get lost in L.A.” The wrestlers stopped into a rental car agency and got directions to City Hall. The guy told them to “Take the 405 to the 10 to the 110 to the 101 and you’ll see it right there.” Amy said, “Ugh, 110 to 101 is the devil.” Steve said, “I heard that whole thing in the voice from that SNL skit.”
The scientists and surfers showed up at City Hall at the same time. Amy thought that trying to find parking should be part of the challenge. Derpy was really proud of her joke that she used at the end of last episode where she said “A manila envelope from Manila, Philippines,” so she used it again when handing in the film permit. Derp, no one likes your joke. The film permit was stamped with a huge Approved stamp and then the teams had to go to a marine warehouse to get their next clue.
While leaving City Hall, the scientists ran across the street to ask to use someone’s smart phone. The surfers got in their car and used their map to get to where they needed to go. The dentists pulled up and left before the scientists were done getting directions. The surfers pulled over to get directions at a firehouse. Bethany was recognized by the guy that gave them directions since his daughter was a big fan. She apologized for having to leave since they were racing, but no time for autographs!
The scientists got to the warehouse first and found a road block. One person had to learn how to throw themselves through a second-floor window and land on a cushion below. The surfers showed up right after the scientists. The dentists drove over a bridge and stopped to get directions. They were told to drive back over the bridge and it was right there. Jim was freaking out about being in last place. Misti told him to not be negative. The wrestlers hadn’t even been to City Hall yet! Then we were shown the wrestlers who hit Santa Monica city limits. They were stuck in traffic and asked a person driving next to them how to get to City Hall. They told them it was the other direction. They had a highlighted map of how to get there! They really don’t understand directions. They had mentioned earlier they would be in trouble if it was a brain clue. I said, “Directions are apparently a brain clue.”
Back at the road block, Maya and Adam were practicing jumping off some scaffolding onto the very cushy pillow looking thing below. For some reason, Maya was getting scared and not wanting to jump. This was the practice part and not what actually counted as part of the road block. It also looked completely easy. Take two steps, jump and turn to fall on your back below. She finally did it in practice and then did it when it counted. The “glass” she jumped through was basically hard sugar. Amy was really excited and I told her she would probably stop and eat it. Even though it seemed like Adam got the hang of practicing the jump before Maya, he didn’t get to finish the road block before her so the scientists arrived at the road block first and finished it first.
The clue told the teams to go to some Coast Guard rescue boats on a nearby pier. The scientists were so excited they started running. They looked like they were halfway there when Derpy reread the clue that said to change out of the stunt costume (including the helmet that had a camera attached to it) before leaving the stunt area. They had to run back. I commented on how we had to watch Derpy do a lot more derp running. The surfers passed by the scientists on their way to the pier. Jim wasn’t done with the road block yet. He was still practicing. The wrestlers had finally found City Hall and someday might be able to find the road block. Who knows since it involved more directions.
While running over to the pier, we all noticed that it was like we were watching Baywatch with Bethany running. Amy said, “Whoa boobs.” Steve said, “I feel that Bethany does not have adequate boob support.” I said it doesn’t seem like she was wearing any sort of bra. Amy said, “She’ll regret that in 10 years.”
When the surfers arrived at the Coast Guard boats, Amy said, “Steal a Coast Guard boat and escape to Hawaii!” Phil started talking about what the Coast Guard does including protecting maritime interests. Amy said, “My maritime interests include otters and beach cabanas.” Teams had to participate in a search and rescue training exercise. They got into wet suits while the boat took them out in the water a bit. A training dummy would be thrown in the water. They would have to swim out, attach the dummy to them and bring it back to the boat.
Jim finished jumping in the road block around the time that Maya was finally changing out of her gear. He was having problems finding the clue in the bag he was given at the beginning of the road block so the scientists were thrilled that they could take off running to the pier while he scrambled. He finally noticed a part of it was zipped closed and that’s where the clue was hiding.
No worries Jim since the wrestlers were driving somewhere. Was it in the right direction? Not sure. Brooke was saying, “These streets are crazy. Things just pop up and you don’t know which way to go.” I said, “Yes, things do pop up…like signs…tricky, sneaky signs.”
The dentists and scientists left the pier in their boats around the same time. The surfers got out to where their floating dummy was located, swam out, lit a warning smoke bomb thing and dragged that dummy back to the boat before the other two teams arrived. Adam talked about the dummy being really heavy. He was 185 pounds so they had to lug that through the water. Amy was not pleased watching the scientists get into the water. She said, “Really? Immediate name change needed.” That’s why we refer to her as Derpy in the race instead of Amy. The dentists and scientists finished around the same time with their task. All the teams received their next clue that sent them to some shipping yard.
Steve was guessing that the wrestlers would be eliminated as soon as they finished with the road block. They were both watching a stunt being done. Phil showed up from behind a huge crate to tell them they were eliminated. It was so weird since they had no idea it was coming until he just showed up. I’m not sure why they didn’t tell people that the last one to make it to the road block would be eliminated. It just seemed like it was randomly decided to get rid of them at that point. Amy said she would forget them by next season. I said they would definitely be invited back for an all-star season since they are too entertaining.
With that weirdness out of the way, the surfers arrived at the shipping yard and ran into another road block. Whoever didn’t do the stunt work had to do this task. Each person had to find nine different shipping containers that had cities they had visited during the race written on them. Each city container had three numbers in three different colors on them. Each team had a color assigned to them. That person had to memorize the numbers that went with the city and then write them down in order they visited on a sheet of paper to get the next clue. This seemed pretty hard to us. I was wishing that Luke from previous season was there to freak out and cry like he liked to do during memory tasks or tasks involving glass or pretty much any road block he had to do and his mom couldn’t do for him.
I know why they made them memorize different numbers so they wouldn’t work together. It was pretty boring to watch though since it was mostly them running around a lot and singing or saying numbers a lot. At one point, Jim asked how long they had been there and asked “Five hours?” We hoped he was exaggerating. They all found the containers around the same time, but Derpy made it back first. She wrote down all the numbers in the correct order and a shipping container was brought down for both the scientists to go into and read the clue that told them where to go for the finish line.
While they were headed to their cab, both Bethany and Misti were writing down their numbers. Amy and I were annoyed that it would end up being a cab race to the finish line. We like when the finish line is around the corner from the memory test. Steve did not want the scientists to win so he was rooting for the other teams to be right behind them so it would be a cab race. Both Bethany and Misti got their numbers wrong the first time. Bethany tried again, but still got it wrong. Misti got it right on her second try, so it was not looking good for our guess of the surfers winning. On the third attempt, Bethany got it right and they were headed to the finish line too.
The editing made it look like everyone was super close, but they weren’t. The scientists came in first place. Maya jumped on Phil while Derpy derped her way slowly to the mat. She did just win a million dollars so I guess it is to be expected that Maya would spaz out. I said the wrestlers must be so mad right then. Amy said, “Well that’s a surprise.” There was no way we thought they would win. They hadn’t won one leg!
The dentists came in second and the surfers showed up in third place. I am glad the dentists didn’t win since they were so cocky about being super awesome and dominating. What did you think about the scientists winning? What did you think about four teams being in the final leg? What about that weird random elimination in the middle of the leg?