TAR: Where’s Kovac?
Amazing Race
Cherry on Top of the Sundae That’s Already Melted
There was actually some halfway interesting drama at the airport this leg! It started off with teams finding out that their next destination was Dubrovnik, Croatia where they had to find Fort of St. Lawrence. I love all the different places they are going this season.
TK and Rachel were the first team to head to the airport at 1am. When they arrived, they found out that some ticketing offices wouldn’t open until 4:30am. They looked online and found a Czech flight that left the earliest and then camped out. The goths showed up with them, but decided to search online for more possible flight options. Other teams showed up, didn’t do any research of their own and just joined the line. After finishing with the internet, the goths went to find a travel agent to help them book a flight instead of just waiting for Czech airlines to open. This freaked out all the other teams while they waited in line for it to open. The goths unwillingly psyched all the other teams out by thinking for themselves. Hilarious! Nate & Jen and Ron & Christina went to go see what the goths were doing and lost their places in line. This moved Nick & Don to second place in line behind TK & Rachel who decided to not move after they got in line.
Ron and Christina had stopped at a hotel on the way to the airport to make a reservation on Polish Air, but they stood in line with the others in case their flight wasn’t as good as they thought. They told the siblings about the flight, and they went off to try to make a phone call to Polish Air, but they could never get connected. They had lost their place in line while they did this and were now in last place. What I learned is that teams can’t split up so one person can hold the place in line while the other one goes and tries to get something better. They all have to do everything together. The siblings yelled at one another about what to do next now that they were last.
TK & Rachel and Nick & Don purchased their tickets when the Czech Air office opened, but since the flight left at 6am, it was too late for Nate & Jen to buy tickets on the same flight. They would have had the tickets if they never left the line. They ran over to the ticketing agency that the goths were finishing up, but had to wait for the siblings to finish before they could purchase tickets. Ron & Christina picked up their flight that they had reserved before.
When trying to get better seat assignments, the siblings realized that they had purchased business class seats, which is against the rules of the game. They can only purchase economy. They ran back to the travel agency to fix the problem, but it was too late to get on the flight if new tickets had to be booked. They had to take a later flight. Oops! They did have some hope when they found out that the first two teams (TK/Rachel & Nick/Don) were going to be delayed on their connection and most likely miss the flight into Croatia. This was true. They all had to get on later flights in Prague since they missed their connections, which put them hours behind what they originally had booked.
Roadblock – Building Blocks
Nate/Jen, the goths and Ron/Christina all left the airport. The first two teams were in the lead, but they couldn’t find the clue box at the fort so they were running around like crazy when Ron/Christina showed up and said, “Hey clue box!” They found the roadblock where one team member had to renovate a city wall damaged by bombings during the Yugoslavian civil war last decade. They had to go through a pile of 150 stones to find one of eight that fit into the wall.
Those that completed the road block:
This roadblock didn’t seem too difficult. It was time consuming for some while others seemed to do it quickly. It was just lugging rocks over and over again. After finishing, teams found out they needed to go to the roof of the Fort and take a tandem zip line to the roof of Fort Borkar across the Adriatic Sea to find a detour.
Detour – Rowing
The detour choices were Short & Long or Long & Short. In Short & Long, teams had to rappel down from the roof of the fort and then climb a city wall via a rope ladder. After climbing the ladder, they had to go through the old town to find their clue in a plaza. In Short & Long, the teams took a tandem zip line down, swam to a floating platform, and got into a fishing boat to row around the city walls to the old harbor.
Short & Long
Teams that chose this task:
Nothing very exciting happened in this detour since teams that completed it were only shown briefly. The goths did the task on their own and then when TK/Rachel did it later, no one was around so once again they had no idea if they were in first or last place.
Long & Short
Teams that chose this task:
Ron and Christina were starting the detour while Nate/Jen and the goths were still working on the road block. When Ron got in the boat, he said he knew the way to row the boat, but when Christina told him to turn around, he thought that was wrong. He gave up after a while and asked Christian to help. She was touched that her father wanted her help and they were working together as a team.
Nate and Jen did not have the same luck at rowing. Neither one were very good at it, so there was much yelling! They even said the dreaded “hate” words to one another. This time it wasn’t just Jen spewing the hatred though. Nate was in on it in full force. They were both highly annoying.
When Nick and Don finally arrived in Croatia, TK/Rachel were already heading to the pit stop. They decided to row the boats and when they were climbing in one, the siblings showed up at the road block. The siblings were so excited to see another team and that they were in the race somewhat. They raced as fast as they could through the road block and detour. Don started rowing the boat and Nick took over when his grandfather became too tired. Azaria had tons of energy when he jumped in the row boat and closed the gap between the two teams quickly. Nick and Don finished before the siblings, but they walked the wrong way to the clue box before they finally found it. The siblings were right behind them.
Pit Stop
The last clue told teams to take a taxi to the Pit Stop at Stone Cross Overlook. Nate & Jen finished the detour ahead of Ron & Christina, but a taxi refused to take them because they were wet. A taxi took Ron & Christina though so they headed off to the pit stop first. This caused much crying in frustration from Jen.
It was hilarious when everyone showed up at the pit stop because there was a gun salute to great each one, and caused each team to jump and yell in fright.
Ron & Christina were the first ones on the mat! I was shocked and amazed. I thought they would be a team that would have been eliminated by now. After annoying me so much in the second episode, Ron has really turned around and tried to improve his relationship with his daughter. I’m am rooting for this team now.
Nate and Jen found a private car to drive them to the pit stop after their luck with taxis failed. When they showed up second, Phil told them that they had violated the rules! They had to go back to the clue box and follow the rules of the clue exactly. Bad Nate & Jen! I think Jen was all cried out though. She just looked really mad and defeated.
While Nate/Jen were driving back and forth, the goths finished up their stuff and showed up in second place. Nate & Jen showed up in third place and were shocked. Since they hadn’t seen any other teams, they probably thought they were in last place. They had no idea other teams hadn’t even landed yet on their delayed flights.
TK & Rachel ended up in fourth place and seemed happy with that, especially after missing their connecting flight. Amazingly, Nick and Don showed up in fifth place, which left the siblings to finish last.
I was hoping it was going to be a non-elimination since I liked them, even if Azaria yelled at his sister earlier in the day like an abusive husband. I was surprised how fast they fell from first for three times, to middle of the pack, and finally to last place. They seemed like a strong team, but it just proves that you have to stay as alert as possible to pay attention to all the details.
- Ron & Christina – won a 12.5 catamaran
- Kynt & Vyxsin
- Nathan & Jennifer
- TK & Rachel
- Nick & Don
- Last Place – Azaria & Hendekea
Photo Source: Amazing Race