The Grownup

The Grownup

by Gillian Flynn

Pages: 64
Genre: Ghost story
Published: November 3, 2015

Purchase: Amazon | Powell’s

I never worked holidays, because holiday hand jobs are sad for everyone.


3/5 stars

I thought The Grownup had a lot of potential but then fell flat by the end. I liked the narrator and her various jobs that involved manipulating people. It was a good setup and gave a decent back story quickly to the narrator.

Then, it moves into a spooky house and a creepy kid which are the two things that frighten me the most in the supernatural world. I could feel the dread in the house while reading that part and was wondering why I was reading something like this right before bed.

And then, we have some twists at the end. Flynn usually reveals twists in a much more clever way but this seemed slapdash and there were so many twists that I started to think I didn’t even know what I just read.

I did really like the ghost story part of it though.

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