Ink and Bone

Ink and Bone

by Lisa Unger

Pages: 342
Genre: Supernatural Mystery
Published: June 7, 2016

Purchase: Amazon | Powell’s

Fear holds on. Love lets go.


4/5 stars

A young woman who has been plagued with prophetic dreams all her life decides she needs to visit her renowned psychic grandmother in update New York to help her cope with what she’s dealing with and they get drawn into a missing girl investigation that is happening in the area.

Ink and Bone was a slow starter for me. It had all these elements (kidnapping, dysfunctional families, psychic abilities) to it that I thought would draw me in from the first page, but it took me a while to get caught up in it. That isn’t to say that I didn’t enjoy it while I was reading it since I really liked the changing viewpoints from many different characters in each chapter. I liked learning the backstory of so many different people. I didn’t have a great urge to pick it back up after I put it down until I was about 100 pages into it. Then, I had to know what was going to happen next.

I did love all the clues about the missing girls and the missing girls’ families, and how they played out in the overall storyline. If you are paying attention, you can pick up on some things not being how you are expecting them to be at the end of the story. It made me wonder if I had read something wrong or too quickly when I started to get hints that clues were not quite lining up, but then it all revealed itself at the end. Good stuff.

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