You, The Living

You, the Living

Directed: Roy Andersson
Starring: Jessika Lundberg, Elisabeth Helander, Bjorn Englund

Short sketches in the daily lives of the Swedish. Seen at the Portland International Film Festival.

Poor movie. It has the bad luck that I decided to get violently ill halfway through it. No idea what happened, but I felt fine when I got there, and had intense pain about 15 min. in. After being there for an hour, I had to leave. An hour later, I was perfectly fine again. What the hell?

Anyway, if the rest of the movie went the way of the first half, it was pretty goofy but not outstanding. There were scenes where the audience found it a lot more hilarious than I did. One example was a guy telling a story to the camera while stuck in traffic about a dream he had the night before about being at a dinner party with a bunch of people he didn’t know. He wanted to lighten the mood so he pulled the tablecloth off the table, broke all the china and was arrested for it. He told the story and then the next scene was him walking around the table filled with china. This sent the audience into fits of laughter. It was cute, but it wasn’t laugh out loud hilarious. I would have loved if it was since I love laughing like that, but this was just cute amusing, not awesome funny.

Rating: C

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