Tag: Argentina

So Many Helper Dogs

Argentina seems filled with stray dogs everywhere. They ran next to the teams while they were doing a variety of tasks. This one dog was limping himself and came up to limp in front of the Texas guy that had hurt his hamstring. I said the dog identified with...

Yes Paparazzi, You Are Annoying

As we started watching the episode from October 2, 2015, we were petsitting two dogs. Timber, the King Charles Spaniel, was staring at the television waiting for it to start, while Frank, the bulldog, was snoring. I said he must not be a fan of the show. Amy said,...

Amazing Race: Chupacabra?

At the beginning of the episode, I tried to call it that Kentucky would not last long in the game since the one guy was missing a lot of teeth and the other one gets car sick. Boy was I wrong! They would have come in first place if...

Amazing Race: Lies & Blindness

While we were introduced to the teams on the race, the golf twin sisters stated that people were going to underestimate them, which is what half the all girl teams say when they come on the Amazing Race. They also said there would be no crying. Well, when they...

Amazing Race: Oh My Gravy!

Amazing Race Run Like Scalded Dogs! I am enjoying the cowboys this season. I like how all the other teams didn’t think they had anything to offer, but they actually know how to read clues carefully and aren’t depending on other teams to get them to where they need...